This document includes the techniques for implementing the guidelines described in the WCAG 2.0 using the Tribeworks iShell authoring tool. iShell is a multimedia authoring and development program for both Windows and Macintosh platforms.
This document is still in the draft stage. It has been compiled with reference to WCAG 2.0 working draft as published by the W3C. It is not however a work by or in collaboration with the W3C. This document has been created primarily at the Resource Centre for Academic Technology at the University of Toronto with help from Digital Frog International and Tribeworks.
Duff McCourt - Resource Centre for Academic Technology
Richards - Resource Centre for Academic Technology
Simon Clark - Digital Frog
Tribeworks iShell is a multimedia authoring and development program for both Windows and Macintosh platforms. Its uses range from streaming video and virtual reality tours to interactive kiosks, custom MP3 players and video games. iShell documents are well suited to being distributed across the Internet as well as standalone programs on CD or DVD-ROM. With this techniques document and the iShell accessibility package from DFI, it will be possible to create cross-platform accessible media for nearly any purpose. This document assumes a working knowledge of the iShell authoring tool and, for those checkpoints and methods which reference the DFI AT plug-in, a working knowledge of that software as well. Some checkpoints and methods reference W3C techniques documents. These documents are created by the W3C group and are referenced in good faith.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.1)
There are several ways to provide text alternates for
non-text content in iShell.
Method 1: You can use HTML to include
your images into an iShell document. When using HTML, use the alt element
in the img tag for text equivalent. Longdescs may also be desirable in
some cases. For more information, see the HTML
Techniques for checkpoint 1.1.
Method 2: It is relatively
simple in iShell to apply a 'Mouse Idle' event to images in a document which can
then be given a command to pop up a dialog containing the text alternate. A
mouse leave event on the image can be set to dismiss the dialog. The down-side
of this method is that other uses of Mouse Idle or Mouse Leave may be interfered
Method 3: Using the DFI AT plug-in, ensure that every image
is included in the Tab Handler list (for more information on setting up a Tab
Handler, see Techniques for
Checkpoint 2.1). Once the Tab Handler list is properly set up, a single
keyboard event is used to capture any presses of the 'd' key (using 'd' as a
trigger for alternate descriptions should be considered a normative standard).
These key presses then launch either a spoken description of the content or a
text dialog as described in Method 2, or both. Using the Speak command from the
DFI AT plug-in will, when directed towards an image object, automatically speak
the contents of a text file which has the same name as the image, only with the
'.txt' extension (example: the text description for 'picture.png' will be stored
in 'picture.txt' in the same directory). These text files must be manually
Method 3: This screenshot shows an example of three images in a project, all of which have been referenced by a Tab Handler. It also shows how a Speak command with the pointer set to Current Focus can deal with all three images at once. Not shown are the three text files which follow the naming convention detailed above.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.2)
Neither the base iShell authoring tool nor the DFI AT
plug-in currently support SMIL,
which is the ideal system for captioning and other synchronized media.
Hopefully, this will change in future versions. In the meantime, there are
various alternate methods.
Method 1: Movies can be captioned
externally in the original media(i.e. Quicktime, Real, etc.). This adds
simplicity but is lacking in flexibility. For further instructions, see the
reference manual for the authoring tool in question.
Method 2: For
each Movie object on the screen, create a caption Text field. Within the movie,
set various Time events, one for each caption. In each Time event, create a Tell
command which changes the contents of the caption field to the desired caption.
If there is a long time between captions, a Time event with an empty Tell
command should be used to clear the caption field. This method can also be used
for synchronized speech or sound by using a Time event with either a Speak
command (using the DFI AT plug-in) or a Sound command. The disadvantage of this
method is that, while a Movie object in iShell need not be tied directly to a
specific clip, the captions will be. When using this method it is important to
remember not to switch different movies into the same Movie object. A simple way
to work around this is to create an iShell project file containing movie and
captions both for each clip you use and to, when movie switching is desired,
accommodate for both the movie and the caption field and switch in iShell
projects rather than movie clips.
Method 2: This screenshot shows an example of a movie and a caption field. There are three time events in the movie each of which places a new caption in the Text field named "Caption."
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.3)
Currently there is no way to extract all textual/informational content from an iShell document in a way which preserves structure. Any information which is stored in a plain-text file and then used via a Text field is easily accessible although its relationship to other elements in the document can not be programmatically determined. Hopefully, future versions of iShell will support exporting or extracting of text content. Alternately, future versions of the DFI AT plug-in may support direct piping of spoken content to a socket or interface in plain-text. In the meantime, the best practise is to put as much textual content as possible into text files rather than iShell internal labels as the latter are much harder to extract.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.4)
iShell outputs Unicode by default. It is a normative suggestion that all text and HTML documents used in an iShell project be encoded in Unicode whenever possible. This will satisfy checkpoint 1.4 automatically by means of Unicode being the de facto standard. In situations where Unicode is insufficient or undesirable, there is no programmatic way to declare the method of encoding. A visible message indicating the style of encoding may be desirable but is not required. Hopefully, future versions of iShell will address this.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.5)
It is important to ensure that the structural and navigational elements of the document can be easily distinguished from the content elements. You can identify the transition from structure to content with various types of cues, including color, position and visual style (font, text size, etc.). When creating buttons or links in an iShell document be sure to use already existing metaphors to distinguish content from structure. For example, use buttons with the raised "3-D" appearance and use color and underlining to identify text links. Furthermore, it is important to not use these metaphors for reasons of presentation. Do not use in-line underlining and color change for purposes of emphasis, for example, as this will confuse users into believing that these elements should be hyperlinks.
Also, the visual (and audio) structural layout of a document should not change as you navigate. It is important that both the position and appearance of navigational and structural elements remain consistent within the document.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 1.6)
When including both foreground and background elements in an iShell document (i.e. when one element is appearing in front of another) ensure that the foreground information is clearly differentiable from and perceivable despite the background information. Specifically, test that the foreground content is still perceivable in 256 shade grayscale. When using a background image which includes a wide range of color values ensure that the alpha channel is set to at least 40%. This will cause the background image to become increasingly transparent and thus blend into the document background color and be less obtrusive or distracting. Also, there should be a prominent "disable background images" button in any document where the possibility of interference between background image and foreground content exists. When including audio information, ensure that foreground sounds are at least 20db(roughly 4 times) louder than background sounds.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 2.1)
iShell is primarily mouse driven by default. Using the DFI AT plug-in to create a Tab Handler object in the root document will allow for basic keyboard navigation. The Tab Handler itself simply captures any depresses of the "tab" key. In order for the Tab handler to intelligently navigate the document, a Loaded event must be added to the Tab Handler. One Tab command for each tabbable item in the document must then by added to the Loaded event. Each Tab command takes an Object parameter which must refer to another object in the document. The order in which the Tab commands appear in the Tab Handler list will dictate the order of tabbing through the page. In order to meet this checkpoint, every element which supports mouse interaction must appear on the Tab Handler list. Note that, if Checkpoint 1.1 is being satisfied using Method 3, all images must also appear on the Tab Handler list. The Tab Handler by default duplicates the Mouse Enter event upon first tabbing to an object and the Mouse Up event when "enter" is pressed. If more complicated Mouse events are used in a project, other methods may have to be employed to provide keyboard equivalents. One such possible method is to redefine the mouse events duplicated tab events. These parameters are defined in the properties dialog for the Tab Handler object. Another method for providing more sophisticated keyboard interaction is to add Tab Event events into the specific object which requires alternate interaction. By changing the parameters of the Tab Event, it is possible to redefine the way tabbing is handled for a single object while leaving the rest unchanged. Finally, more sophisticated keyboard interaction can also be achieved by adding further Keyboard events to the Tab Handler and defining behavior for other specific keypresses (as was done for "d" in the example attached to Checkpoint 1.1).
Tab Handler: This screenshot shows an example of how a Tab Handler might look which contains three Tab commands, each associated with an Image object in the project.
Redefining Tab Events: This screenshot shows an example of a Tab Event being used to change the Tab Enter behavior of a single Image object to toggle visibility of the image. This would have no effect on or relation to any Mouse Enter event which may also be defined for the object.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 2.2)
For every element in an iShell document which uses the duration attribute as a timer there must be some easily perceivable indication of the fact that a timer is running and a simple way (preferably a "stop timer" or "I need more time" button) to stop the timer or lengthen the duration. If multiple timers are running at one and elements will move or appear and disappear dependent upon timers or time-dependent user responses there must be a "pause" or "stop all timers" button. In extreme cases, a "step forward" button may also be necessary which will increment all timers by some small amount with each click.
The exception to these rules is in cases where the content is streaming from a live source or when the interaction is inherently time-dependent because of the actions of external parties, such as a multi-player game or online auction.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 2.3)
Do not cause screen flicker (which can be symptomatic of rapid background or color changes) in the range of 3 to 49 Hz. In effect, do not have the screen dramatically change color or brightness at a rate equal to or higher than three times per second.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 2.4)
When a document grows to great length (in excess of 50,000 words or 50 perceived pages) the author must include internal navigation mechanisms within the content. For example, if a document contains a scrolling text field which holds 50 pages of text, the author should delineate it into pages and/or chapters and provide a linking mechanism (such as a button) which will allow the user to jump directly to the beginning of the next chapter without scrolling.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 2.5)
In any situation where user input is required and unacceptable or unexpected input is given, an iShell document must generate an error rather than failing silently. The error report should be informative but unobtrusive. In situations where a large amount of user input is required (such as extensive text input) a more comprehensive form of error catching (such as a spell checker) may be required.
Also, in any situation where a user's selection could cause an irreversible change such as deleting a file, a confirmation dialog must exist. In programs where such confirmations may be annoying or obtrusive, it is acceptable to include a user preference which allows the confirmation to be disabled.
iShell automatically handles run-time errors with a pop-up box. Using the nav.xd meta document, it is possible to over-ride errors by including an error event. Note that this will suppress the default behavior.
Error Handler: This screenshot shows an example of how a Error Handler might look which contains an DFI AT plug-in Speak command to speak out loud the error text which would normally appear in an iShell generated pop-up. For this method to work, it must be contained in a nav.xd style meta document. The Key Handler element which appears above the Error event is part of the nav.xd functionality and is not related to the Error Handler.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.1)
There is no innate capability in iShell to programmatically determine the language of content. To achieve partial compliance with this checkpoint, use HTML when including a text object into an iShell project. When using HTML, use the relevant HTML techniques for this checkpoint, such as the lang attribute.
<p lang="en/us">Here is a paragraph which is in American English except for <span lang="fr">un petit peu en Francais.</span></p>
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.2)
iShell does not support an innate definition/expansion
scheme, but there are several methods for incorporating such a scheme into
Method 1: Create an empty text field somewhere in your
document. Creating a text field at the bottom of the document can function as a
status bar and also be used for satisfying other checkpoints such as Checkpoint 1.1.
Once this text field has been created, you can create each acronym or
abbreviation as a separate label and use a mouse event to send a Tell Field
command to the status bar with the expansion text. This method is not
recommended but is included for the sake of completion.
Method 2:
The iShell HTML parser does not currently support the ABBR and ACRONYM tags.
However, if you use HTML to include all your textual content, you can use these
tags (as described in the HTML techniques document) to specify definitions and
expansions. Although this will not be readily accessible in current versions of
iShell, the information will be programmatically available and will hopefully be
taken advantage of by future, more compliant versions of
Method 3: Using RTF (Rich Text Format) to encode your
documents, format all acronyms and abbreviations and Strike-Through. Immediately
following each acronym or abbreviation, include the expansion or definition
formatted as Invisible. When imported into iShell, this formatting system will
be automatically interpreted as Hot Text. Create a status bar Text field (as in
Method 1) and use a Hot Text event within the Text object which is sensitive to
a mouse event. Within the Hot Text event, include a Tell Field command which
writes the value of the Hot Text to the status bar field. A single event (or
pair of events) can handle all instances of Hot Text within an RTF document.
Method 3: This screenshot shows an example of how an RTF document containing Hot Text can be set up with two Hot Text events. The first event sets the content of a Text field to the value of the Hot Text on Mouse Enter. The second event resets the contents of the field to an empty string on Mouse Leave.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.3)
An iShell document, like any other web document must be written using the clearest and simplest language that will serve the purpose and with an inclusionary intent whenever possible. The best guidelines are to be found in the Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.3.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.4)
An iShell document, like any other web document must be written in a consistent fashion such that the content is not confusing or hard to follow. The best guidelines are to be found in the Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 3.4.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 4.1)
iShell makes it possible to make use of various other technologies in your projects. When using technologies such as HTML or RTF, ensure that your usage of these technologies meets existing standards and specifications. Specifically, when using HTML, you should state which w3c HTML specification you are using (HTML 4.0, XHTML transitional, etc.) and ensure that you do so properly. Also, when using HTML you should ensure that your HTML meets WCAG 2.0 standards. Consult the HTML techniques document for further information.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 4.2)
Tribeworks iShell includes the iShell Runtime Environment, which is sufficient technology with which to view almost all information which might be encoded in an iShell document. The only external technology which is commonly relied upon by iShell is the Quicktime Media Player. Quicktime is readily and easily available. If you are distributing your project in CD form, you can include the latest Quicktime player on the CD. If you are distributing over the Internet, the iShell Runtime Environment will automatically inform the user of where the player can be downloaded from.
If your project requires any other external technology, ensure that the technology is readily available and provide instructions for acquiring the technology if the user does not already have it.
(Checkpoint Description for Checkpoint 4.3)
Many accessibility functionalities in iShell are global to an entire project.
It makes much more sense to abstract these functionalities out to a document
which can then be included in every other document in the project than it would
to unnecessarily do the same work many times.
The two primary uses of nav.xd are for error catching and key catching. For
example, if you are using the DFI ART-plugin and would like to use the Text-to-Speech
engine, the nav.xd approach allows you to provide one simple functionality for
turning TTS on and off. All you need to do is include a Key Handler element
in nav.xd which then contains a Keyboard event. Normatively, the standard for
turning TTS on and off in iShell projects is a single press of the 't' key.
Beneath the Keyboard event which captures the 't' keypress, include an If-Else
command which detects the current TTS state and then activates a SpeechPrefs
command to change the value. This screenshot shows what a TTS toggle should ideally look
like in nav.xd.
Likewise, you can include any global keyboard functionality in nav.xd using
similar methods. Also, error catching (as described in the techniques for checkpoint 2.5 and shown in this screenshot) can be handled best by being abstracted
into the nav.xd document.
Once the nav.xd document is completed, simply include it in every other document
as a root level element. It is important that nav.xd always be the LAST element
in the list. This screenshot shows an example of
nav.xd properly included in a iShell document.